COVID-19 guidelines

Staying safe and protecting our volunteers and clients is very important to us. Our clients are especially vulnerable, so we must do all we can to provide the support in the safest way. 

Infection control habits

Colds, flus and other infections disease spreads easily from person to person and can pose a real risk to someone who is dying. The greatest risk is from contact with droplets we expel when we cough and sneeze.  

The two basic goals of infection control are to protect the care provider and the care receiver from infection.  Infection control starts with standard precautions recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for preventing the transmission of infections.

Infection control habits are care we need to provide to all clients at all times, and especially during a pandemic.

  • Hand hygiene should be done:
    • Immediately before arriving at a client visit, 
    • Immediately after contact with a client,
    • Immediately after taking off gloves, and
    • After touching items or surfaces in the environment while you are visiting.
  • Proper cough etiquette by covering your mouth and nose.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick and stay home if sick.

Key points for visitation

  1. Consent for an in-person visit is received from both the client and volunteer prior to any face-to-face visits.  
  2. Do not visit if you are unwell or if anyone in your household is unwell. Volunteers, please review the assessment tool.
  3. Outdoor visits are encouraged, and physical distance must be maintained.
  4. Indoor visits are allowed if six-foot distance is able to be maintained.
  5. Masks are to be worn by both the volunteer and the client at all times during a visit, as well as during any transportation.
  6. Clients, families, and volunteers can change their mind at any point if they are not prepared to have face to face visits. 
  7. If volunteers or clients have any symptoms of COVID-19 or have been in close contact with someone with symptoms, the visit will be cancelled.  

Prairie Hospice guidelines for visitation

We want to be able to continue to provide support in the best way to continue to keep clients, families, and volunteers safe.     

If clients are in a long-term care home, a personal care home or a group home, there may be restrictions on the volunteer’s ability to visit. If a client is in such a facility, we will follow the facilities directions.  If uncertain of their direction contact the volunteer coordinator.

Prior to each contact with a client, complete the assessment tool to determine if the visit can proceed.

Prairie Hospice is following guidance from the Government of Saskatchewan, the chief medical health officer, and the Saskatchewan Health Authority. Please be aware that these guidelines may change.  We will update you with changes.

In-person visits

If clients, families, and volunteers choose to meet at home, please review the following guidelines

  1. Volunteers will wash their hands thoroughly prior to visiting and sanitize on arrival if possible. 
  2. If meeting in the client’s home, masks will be required by all people in presence.  Medical masks to be worn by the volunteer. 
  3. Volunteers will take all of their belongings back with them after the visit, including any garbage. 
  4. Attempt to go directly to the clients home when you are visiting, avoid multiple stops on our way to limit other exposure.

Hospice Now Rides 

  1. Transportation will not take place if the volunteer feels unwell or if they are living with someone feeling unwell. Review the assessment tool prior to providing transportation.
  2. Maintain as much distancing as possible within the vehicle,
  3. Volunteers will limit any contact with the client before, during and after transport.   
  4. Volunteers will clean any surfaces that the client would be in contact with, including door handles inside and out, seatbelt, and buttons for windows and doors. 
  5. The airflow in the vehicle should not be set to recirculating (the air conditioner must be off). 
  6. During transport, both the client and volunteer will be required to wear a mask.