Thank you for your past support of Prairie Hospice Society through your participation in the annual golf tournament as a sponsor and/or golfer.
Well, it was annual until 2020! We were disappointed to not be able to host a tournament last year due to restrictions from the COVID-19 pandemic. Even though we were not able to enjoy the tournament, many of you chose to support Prairie Hospice Society through sponsorships and individual donations.
$39,625.00 was raised. Wow! Hats off to all of you who provided much needed financial support to Prairie Hospice Society in a very challenging year.
Given the commencement of vaccinations for COVID-19, we are hopeful that we will be able to host a tournament in 2021 but a final decision will not be made for several months. Provincial health guidelines will determine the feasibility of staging a golf tournament.
August 16 is our tentative tournament date at Saskatoon Golf and Country Club.
Prairie Hospice Society continues to provide volunteer end-of-life support to many people in our community and revenue from the golf tournament is an important part of our budget.
We will be in contact as soon as a decision has been made.
Stay well.
Kathy Ford and Ken Howland
Prairie Hospice Society Golf Classic